Monday, January 14, 2008

Good to be back

I have officially been back on points for 7 days now, I am happy to say, although up until now I've kept it on the down low.. I guess I needed to make sure it was going to stick.. I'm not sure that anyone even reads my blog anymore, which is probably a good thing for the moment, since I'm a bit rusty at this.. I was shocked by how easy it was to get back on the program after being off of it for seven months.. I can't even believe I was off for that long!! I feel completely ashamed by that, and before you tell me I shouldn't, I think it's a pretty good motivator, it makes me want to work to make that feeling disappear.. So, tomorrow is my first weigh in, and I'm looking forward to it.. I'm thrilled to be back, and I feel amazingly positive about it..

Just in case anyone is still peaking in on my blog, I am thrilled to see how well some of my blog buddies are doing!! You guys kick ass!! I can't wait to catch up on what's been happening with all of you!! :-)


ElleBee said...

Glad to see you're back, good luck at the WI!

Vanessa said...

Good for you for getting back on track! I'm not sure if you have access to my blog or not, but if you don't just send me an email at emerald_skyz at hotmail dot com and I'll send you an invite!

Angela Power said...

Welcome back Jen, here's to a great and successful 2008! :-)

John Rambo's Wife said...

Jen! So happy to see a post from you. YAY!! This is very exciting! You're gonna do awesome. Can't wait to keep up with your progress.