Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Starting to feel better..

So I had yesterday off of work, and spent the day sipping Neo Citron and watching movies.. I think it made a difference because I felt much better this morning.. My chest/throat isn't as sore, and actually right now it's barely bugging me at all!! I had more energy and everything.. So I went into work early today because I have four orders of slides to do.. We scan every one of them and then write them all onto CD's so that people can preserve those memories.. It isn't difficult but it's extremely time consuming.. So I go in early, finished one order and did another one, and around 3pm I start sneezing and feeling congested.. And of coarse this is after I volunteer to work for my boss tomorrow so she can have the day off (she's sick too), so I HOPE that customers take it easy on me tomorrow and that I can get the rest of my slide orders finished.. Normally there would be two of us on for at least 1/2 of the day, but with her sick I'll be all by my lonesome for 9 hours.. So keep your fingers crossed for me please!! lol!! I'm going to have a Neo Citron here in a little bit and try to be in bed by 10pm.. But there's SO much good tv on tonight!! So I'm going to watch Lost, America's Next Top Model and tape Criminal Minds.. That way I'll just be missing Medium.. Grrr.. lol!

Good news, I weighed myself when I got home from work and the scale was down to 230!! Yay!! That means that I could be down 3lbs for this week, if it holds until tomorrow.. That would be awesome!! I just can't believe it!! :-) Have I mentioned how much I love Weight Watchers?? No?? I LOVE WEIGHT WATCHERS!!! lol!! I know that it's also due in part to my job, because I'm so active when I'm working.. That's really what's making the difference.. So let me see here, because of work I loose weight faster AND I make money!! Bring on the work!! lol!!


ElleBee said...

Sorry to hear that you are sick, hope you're feeling better soon!

That is an awesome loss btw, I'm sure it will stick or be pretty damn close! My fingers are crossed for you.

Jen said...

Aw, I hope you start to feel better soon!!!! That sucks that you have to work for 9 hrs by yourself when you are feeling icky...

I REALLY hope your number stays the same for WI this week, that would be just awesome!!! You have been doing fabulous!!!!

Feel better!! *hug*

Vanessa said...

Hope you feel better soon! Congrats on the loss, I hope it holds until WI for you! :D

Angela Power said...

Good job on the loss. I hope you are feeling better soon!

Amanda said...

wow, what an awesome loss! you rock!!!! sorry you're not feeling great yet, and working 9 hours by yourself, i'd be talking to myself by hour 3!!! hope you feel better soon :)

meredi said...

Oooh, 3 lbs -- very exciting!

Hope you're back at 100% very soon.