Friday, January 26, 2007

First Pay!!

So I got my first check yesterday! It felt awesome!! And guess what I got?? ~pause for dramatic effect~ I gots me a new camera!!! lol!! It's pretty and it's pink and I LOVE it!! So hopefully soon I'll figure out how to use it and get up some new pics!! I actually wanted to take a picture of my camera to post in here, but I'm still trying to figure out how to go about that.. lol!! I'm hoping that I'll keep having losses with WW, and that I'll have lots to take pics of.. :-) And thanks everyone who left comments about my WI! Wheebs, Amanda and Kathryn, you girls ROCK!! :-)


ElleBee said...

A pink camera?!! Ohh I want one! lol

Amanda said...

that's exciting buying a new camera! definitly take some pics of you and post them!!!!

Pam, the belly dancing queen said...

I see you bellydance--isn't it great!!