Wednesday, May 2, 2007

I'm Back..

For the life of me I couldn't think of a better title than that, but I guess "I'm Back" does sum it up.. For some of you this will be a repeat, and I'm sorry you have to hear it all again.. lol!! For those of you who haven't, this post is simply me apoligizing for being away for so long.. More importantly, for being away without taking the time to tell you what was going on.. If I worried any of you I'm terribly sorry.. I went off the program, and stupidly assumed that if I wasn't on program that I'd have nothing to say that people might want to hear.. Dumb eh?? What I've come to realize through all of this is that I've made some amazing friends, friends who are my friends whether I'm loosing weight or stuffing my face.. I'm sorry it took this to make me realize that, but I did and I'm glad that I did because I feel closer to these people now.. I hope with all my heart that it will do the same with those of you who haven't heard from me at all in the past month..

This is the story..

I posted on the board a few months ago about having really dry scalp and dandruff.. This is something I've thankfully never had to deal with before now, so I didn't handle it very well.. I was advised by people on the board and by my pharmasist to use special shampoos, which I didn't do.. I tried instead to take oil supplements and to up my water intake.. When I noticed a dry patch of skin I wouldn't leave it alone I'd try to scratch it all off.. lol!! I'm such a dumbass sometimes.. So of coarse it kept getting worse and worse, and more and more stressful.. Then one day I noticed that I'd actually lost a significant amount of hair on the front of the top of my head, enough that it made the icky white scalp beneath glaringly obvious.. Anyway, I kinda lost it at this point.. It was one thing when I had dandruff, but my hair falling out? Right before my 30th birthday?? Not cool.. People kept telling me that it was probably stress related since it happened after I started my job.. So I not only tried to remove ALL stress from my life, I just gave myself free reign to do whatever I wanted, and to eat whatever I wanted.. It was a really hard period for me, I was crying constantly.. I have a very public job and I felt like there was a flashing arrow above my head pointing it out..

I'm not making excuses for why I didn't let any of you know what was going on, I fully admit that I handled that badly and I'm truly sorry.. I just thought that you would all be disappointed in me, or try to convince me to stay on program while this was happening, and I just didn't want to hear it, I guess.. Mostly I was afraid you'd be disappointed..

So I'm back, and I'm sorry for being away.. I've learned that no matter what's going on in my life that my friends are my friends and that they're there whether I'm loosing weight or eating a tub of ice cream, and I won't ever disappear like that again.. For those of you who are just hearing this for the first time, I hope very much that you'll continue to visit my blog, and forgive me for being such a shit.. :-)


Amanda said...

hey! welcome back!!! i've missed you!! just so you know, there is nothing that you can ever do that would make me disappointed in you! we all have our struggles and times when we aren't the "model ww". sorry you felt like you couldn't post anything here. i can't speak for everyone else, but i'm sure no one here would ever look down on you. these blogs aren't all just about ww and counting points, we are all here building friendships and support for each other no matter what is going on. i feel so bad for you for what was going on and i hope it's all cleared up now and that you don't feel like a big arrow is pointing at you! i'm glad you are back now, i've missed reading your blog and seeing your comments on mine encouraging me. {{{hugs}}} hun, for everything!!!!!

Sarah ♥ said...

HOORAY!!!!!!!!! YAY I'm so glad you're back :D:D:D You know everything I'm gonna say to you anyway, just wanted to post it here :)

jen999 said...

*BIG hugs to both of you* Thanks girls!! It means a lot that you're so happy to have me back! Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!! lol!! Amanda, you totally made me teary!! You're too sweet!! Thank you both!!! :-)

Shrunk said...

You already know that I love ya no matter what. You aren't required to lose weight to be my friend, that's for sure. You are beautiful inside and out, you really don't *need* to change a thing. The only person you have to lose weight for is yourself. If you decide to quit tomorrow that's your choice. I will support whatever decisions you make. I don't even think you realize how much your support and regular visits to my blog has meant to me. You've always been there for my WI days, cheering me on. You are a true friend that's for sure. I just wish you lived closer to me. I'd totally hang with ya IRL :O)

Shrunk said...

Oh, and nice to see you back. I was dying for an update to your blog.

Jen said...

Ah, my Jen!!!!

I am SOOOOOOO glad that you are back to blogging!!! I missed reading it and missed your are a huge part of my life regardless of the fact that I have never met you!!! And you are my friend no matter what!!


marie said...

YAHOOOOOOOOOOO! i knew you'd come back...was just a matter of time :)


Angela Power said...

Yay Jen! I have missed you hun...ALOT! I kept clicking on the link to see if you had updated. You are a sweet and kind person and we are all lucky to have you checking in on us and your absence was duly missed!

WW is the thing that has connected us together, but it does not have to be the necessary requirement to keep the connection. Like Shrunk said, we are doing this for ourselves first and foremost and what we personally decide to do in that regard are individual decisions. We are here only to support them.

Glad your back hun and I really hope you're feeling better.