Monday, March 5, 2007

Ever Have Those Days??

When you WISH with all your heart that you could just press fast forward and have the weight fall off you?? Seriously, I wish I could speed this process up.. You're probably thinking 'uhmm, yeah Jen, try everyday' and you're right, if I really thought about it I'm sure everyday I would wish to be at my goal weight.. But most days I find myself just happy to be commited to this journey, and happy to be feeling healthier.. Because in all honesty, by doing this day by day process we're not just loosing weight we're gaining other positive things.. The ablility and the strength, not to mention the patience, to really work for something that we want.. That must develop some kind of good juju for us right?? If you don't know what juju is, it's kinda like karma, but not so much in the 'do unto others' way.. Anyway, most days I'm temporarily satisfied with my progress, at least these days.. But today, ALL day I just really wanted to be at that end place.. I felt fat and frumpy all day! It didn't necesarily bring me down or anything, it just made me wish I worked by remote and could press fast forward..


Angela Power said...

My dear, I think they just made a movie about that very remote! Adam Sandler got a hold of it somehow!

jen999 said...

lmao!!! That was a great movie!! If only I had a clicker!!

Amanda said...

i wish i had that remote some days! wouldn't it be nice to just fast forward through certain things in your life and miss the work to lose weight!!!! but then i'd miss my daughter's growing up.... ah, i'll stick to life as it is, LOL!!!!!

marie said...

when it's "too fast" for some people, you want that damn rewind button though. you honestly can't win.

but i get what you mean - and you WILL get there soon enough :)