Thursday, March 22, 2007

It's a blustery blahhh day here in Eastern Ontario

Yep, it's icky outside and I feel icky!! I kinda feel like Eeyore actually.. lol!! Today is supposed to be my WI day.. But since my work schedule came out, I've been thinking I should switch my WI to Fridays.. I always get my best results after working a long shift, and I USED to get those shifts on Thursdays, but for the last lil bit (last week not included), I've been getting shit shifts on Thursdays and Fridays have been my long shifts.. So I think that's why I'm cranky, cuz I can't make up my mind.. I like to weigh in on Thursdays, but I really like what I see after a long day of work.. I think I'm feeling a little pressure because I normally weigh in on Thursday nights, so I feel like I have to make up my mind before WI time or it's cheating.. Like you can't see your WI and then decided to WI the next day instead, you know?? Bahh..

For the most part Weight Watchers is a very positive experience for me, mostly because I feel healthier and I know I'm doing something about my weight and that combines to make me a much more positive person.. But last night right before bed I got super angry all of a sudden. It was SO strange! It was all I could do not to bawl like a little baby.. I think I just got sick of caring so much, of having SO many emotions tied to loosing weight.. Of having to try so hard all the time.. I shook it off and went to bed, but I'm still feeling a bit of that this morning.. I'm not sure if any of you ever experience that kind of frustration with the program.. Maybe it's just because I have this weigh in day dilema underlying it.. Grr..

I'm going into work an hour early today so I can shop for makeup, that should brighten my mood a little bit.. lol!! But I wanted to thank all of you for your awesome comments about my willpower and the junk drawer at work.. Reading those comments this morning REALLY made a difference for me, like you gave me some sunshine on a grey day, if that makes sense.. Thank you for that!!


marie said...

i get like a baby sometimes i want to stop counting, stop caring, stop reading packages and NIs etc....and then I think that by doing that I've created such a healthier me and stopping would be turning my back on the greatest choice i've ever made in my life. It's just frustrating because it takes so much out of us some days and sometimes we get a bit tired, that's all.

You're doing SOOOOO well. Don't fret! We all have days like this and treating yourself is a great idea! Hope you find some kickass makeup :)

John Rambo's Wife said...

Hey Jen, I'm sorry your having an icky day. And I totally understand the feeling angry all of a sudden and all the emotions that come along with weight loss. Keep at it. One day at a time. You'll make it. Thanks for all your posts on my blog Jen. I really appreciate them.

Vanessa said...

I understand where you're coming from, and I'm sorry it's making your day so icky! I bet makeup shopping makes it a bit better though :) haha!

Amanda said...

aw, sorry you feel so icky! i'd say change your wi if you want, it's your plan so you can do whatever you want!

i've gotten like that, i get frustrated about having to count everything and i miss the days of just eating something because i'm hungry and not worrying about the pts (but then again that's how i got to my before!) sometimes i get upset thinking that i'm going to have to do this for the rest of my life. but then i also think, it's worth it to see how far we've all come. you are doing awesome!!!!! i'm so proud of you!!!

meredi said...

Hey Jen, I'm sorry my reply to this is so late... I've been having trouble keeping up with all the blogs lately!

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I can totally relate to the anger. My meeting leader mentioned it once too -- how it's easy to get so mad and resentful that all these other people in the world go through life never worrying about what they eat, and staying slim regardless. GRRR! The idea of staying "OP" for the rest of my life completely freaks me out, and angers me sometimes too. IT'S NOT FAIR!

Anyway, just know that you're not alone in experiencing those emotions. I think it's just fine to indulge in them now and then... because in the end I think we all realize that what we have now, even with all the counting, is so so so much better than what we had before.

You're doing great, just keep it up! :)