Saturday, March 3, 2007

My Saturday

Feeling ickey again today.. I woke up and my damn throat was sore again!! lol! It's taking a while to kick this thing.. I was totally feeling better a couple days ago.. I think maybe it's because I've been working so much.. But, I have this weekend off so hopefully I'll be feeling better by Monday! :-) Did I mention that I'm also wanting to eat everything in sight?? It's awful!! Luckily I still have all my flex, but I'm kinda trying to hold onto them since my WI day isn't until Thursday so they have to last me.. But then I think about how many of them I actually use during the week, which is none.. So I think I might dig into them today, it's what they're there for right??

I posted the pretty moth because it's the next tattoo I'm thinking about getting.. It's funny because everyone always thinks that butterflys are the pretty ones and that moths are ugly.. I think it'd be cool to have this on my arm and someone will say, ohh, what a pretty butterfly and I can say, actually (in my smart voice, lol!), it's a Luna Moth.. hee hee.. Yeah, sometimes I wonder what's going on in my brian.. Anyway, it's beautiful and feminine and I think it'd make a great tattoo!! I'm hoping to get it done when I'm in Kingston for my birthday.. I have a gift certificate for my fav tattoo parlour down there.. The way I'm talking you'd think I'm a tattoo' Momma, but I only have two.. I'm just really picky and like to think it through completely before I get one.. Cuz it's permanant right? And I've heard that removing them is WAY more painful than getting one..

Okay, gonna go stuff my face with somethin'! lol!! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!! :-)


Pam, the belly dancing queen said...

The moth is beautiful!! I've wanted to get a tattoo for a while but I'm scared to death of needles!! Anyway, hopefully you start to feel better and use those extra points! I went through the same thing 2 days ago--I wanted to eat every crappy thing we had. I only caved to the mini kitkat bars :P

Angela Power said...

Everyone I know who has a tattoo, ends up wanted more! I don't think I know someone who only has one.

The moth is very beautiful.

Amanda said...

that sounds like a beautiful tattoo! i would love to get one but like pam said i'm too scared! sorry you're not feeling well again, could it be that your work has too dry of air and it's making your throat really dry? i had that at one place that i used to work, on the good side i drank tons of water! LOL!!

Shrunk said...

I love that moth. It will make a great tattoo :O)