Sunday, March 18, 2007


I feel super icky today!! I'm soo sleepy and stuffed up and just have that weak and blecky cold feeling.. The worst part is, when I have a cold I eat like a crazy person!! You know the saying feel a cold starve a fever?? Well it's as if my tummy 'knows' it.. Or maybe it's all in my head.. Either way, I just wanna EAT! I have lots of flex left and all of todays points, so I'm gonna eat.. I'm just going to make sure that I don't over eat.. Grrr.. I hope this thing goes away fast!! I've been drinking lots of Neo Citron cuz it makes you feel all fuzzy and comfy.. And it has NO points!! lol!! Hope you're all having a great Sunday!! :-)


Angela Power said...

Poor Jen! I hope you get rid of that cold this week darlin'! Hang in there and have some low point chicken soup!

Jen said...

I KNOW!!!!!!!!

I eat SO much whenever I am sick!!! MORE than I would eat when I am on my period!! And worse is that I can barely taste it!!!! It's like my brain is saying "it's full of fat, I'm SURE it tastes good!!!" bah!!!!

I hope you start to feel better soon!!

You haven't been having luck with all the colds!! :(

Amanda said...

aww, sorry you feel so bad today! i do the same thing when i'm sick!!! it's funny, i don't think i've ever had neo citron!!!

Amanda said...

oops, i forgot to say, i hope you feel better {{{{{hugs}}}}}}