Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Justice is Served!!!

So I go into work today and what do I hear from my head manager as SOON as I get there?? They got the shoplifter guy!! Not only did they get him, but they got my camera back!!! YAYYYY!!! So he'll be prosecuted and all that good stuff.. I almost want to go to court just to see it! lol!! Seriously I totally took it personally.. I guess I don't have a whole lot of experience with shoplifters.. Anyway, they got him and the camera and that's all that matters!!

I picked up some Weight Watchers bread today, I can't believe that it's only 1 point for 2 slices.. That just seems amazing to me.. I'm SO proud of my little town, or more importantly my store, because we actually have a lot of the products that I see mentioned in other blogs or on the GDT.. I'm also really loving all of the Knorr pasta sauces (thanks Amanda!!), I tried the Primavera last night with shrimp and whole wheat rotini, it was SO good!! And today I picked up the Creamy Garlic.. OHHH, and I also found some cinnimon hearts that have a nutrition label!! Normally they come in these little square packages with no NI listed, but at work we sell them in bigger tubs (a co-worker bought some NOT me!! lol!), and there's actually NI on the label.. So if any of you like'em and want to know the info let me know!! We have a junk drawer there, in the Photo Lab, and they keep it stocked with everything, every kind of chocolate or candy you can imagine.. I have a fat picture of myself on a ledge right above it, so I'm never tempted to go into the 'junk' drawer! lol!!


Angela Power said...

Yay! That's so great that they caught the guy!!! Hearing that really helps rejuvenate my faith in the system. That's really great.

Those pasta sauce mixes really help to jazz up your pasta for sure and for very reasonable points.

Sarah ♥ said...

I'm SO glad they caught the guy! I've been hoping to see a post like this on your blog :)

I am so proud of you for not succumbing to the "treat drawer". What a strong will you must have!!

Have a great night chicka!


meredi said...

Yay, so glad they caught that loser! Did you hear any details about how they tracked him down? Anyway, it must be a huge relief.

And wow, it sounds like you're doing really well in the healthy eating department. :) I honestly don't know what I'd do without the WW bread... it really saves me some days.

Jen said...


THEY CAUGHT HIM!!! I hope the damn dirty bastard rots...or gets slapped with a fine, either way!!!!

You have SOOOOOO much willpower it isn't even funny!!! I have a treat cupboard and I figured, I will put it with the spices, that way I will only see it when I am cooking, then I won't want to eat worked for like two days!!!! You are awesome!!!

I need to try those Knorr sauces!!! I always have the SAME thing with pasta, and I LOVE pasta...

Amanda said...

that's so great that they caught the guy, i bet you feel better now!

isn't it awesome that you can have 2 slices for 1 pt!!!! although the pieces are a lot smaller than a normal slice but at least you can have a whole sandwich! and congrats on the will power on that drawer, i wouldn't have it!!! i like the idea of the pic though, i wanted to do that to my fridge but i didn't want company to see it!!! LOL!!!!