Sunday, March 25, 2007


So last nights' dinner went really well!! The spaghetti turned out really well and my Uncle said that I can do amazing things with ground soy.. He said that he wouldn't even know it wasn't ground beef.. Which from him is a very big compliment, as he does enjoy his meat.. And it's a lower fat alternative which is great.. If you ever want to try it let me know and I'll give you all my secrets.. hehe.. lol!! I made garlic bread with that pre-mixed garlic butter, fresh bread and regular mozza cheese, it was SO good, and I only allowed myself one very small piece.. I even had a tablespoon of fresh parm.. Mmmm.. The one bad part? I drank too much wine!! I'm actually not sure why I'm surprised by that.. So most of my points were from wine, but thankfully because I was well behaved during the day, I only had to use 9 flex.. Yay!! But now I have an icky hangover and the munchies! lol!! That's okay though, if I use any flex I prefer it to be well before WI day..

I got quite a few NSV's last night.. I wore one of my prettier shirts and my blue jeans, and I guess it was obvious that the spare tire had deflated a lil bit.. I was thrilled by this news!! I have a hard time noticing a difference since I see myself everyday.. I have noticed that my clothes are getting bigger around my middle, but I wasn't sure it was obvious yet.. I have this beautiful pink shirt, I should take a picture of it to show you I always forget I can do that! lol!! Anyway, when I bought it, it was really tight around my belly so I've never been able to wear it.. Today I tried it on because I would LOVE to be able to wear it in Kingston at my bday dinner, and it fit!!! YAY!! It's baggy, but not super baggy, which is good.. So now I just have to buy some new shoes and figure out what jewelry to wear! :-)

We had birthday cake at my Grandma's this afternoon for my Mom's bday.. I hadn't eaten yet since I'd slept pretty much right up until we had to go.. hehe.. Damn hangover.. Anyway, I brought one of my Skinny Cow sundae cups with me (2 points!!) it was yummy and I didn't mind at all that I didn't get to eat any cake!!! But since my bday is next there was lots of talk about cake and dinners, and I'm afraid there's gonna be lots of poundage gained around that time.. I'm going to Ktown the weekend of the 13th, and I've planned to not count points and just have a treat myself weekend for that time.. BUT, I don't want to do that over my real bday weekend.. So, my cousin asked if I wanted to go out to dinner that weekend with another cousin (he and I share a bday, both on April 9th).. I picked the restaurant and they've got a really yummy Greek pizza that's not too bad point wise.. Afterwards we'll be going back to my Grandma's for Dairy Queen cake (my favorite), and I'll have some of that.. And then Monday night we're having a family dinner here for me, but again I'll get to pick what we eat.. Sooo, I'm thinking I'll just have to be really strong that weekend, as it's also Easter weekend, and we always have a big family dinner to celebrate on the Sunday after church.. I have to be tough!! Sorry, this is really long, I'm gonna stop babbling now!! lol!! Hope you all had a great weekend!! :-)


Sarah ♥ said...

Hey Jen,

Glad to hear your dinner went well! It sounds like you went in with a GREAT plan :) I'm so proud of you!


Jen said...

MMM, now I want Dairy Queen cake!! I will have to have some SOMETIME!! I also want to try those Skinny Cow sundaes, they sound good!!!

I love your references to your spare tire!!! I am sure it is "deflating" rapidly, and you just don't always see it!!! Sometimes I am really down on myself and don't think I am losing weight, but others notice it!!

You are awesome! I am glad you weekend went well! I am going to have try ground soy sometime, I am ALWAYS up for trying something new!!

Angela Power said...

Sounds like a complete success (even with the extra wine!). I have yet to try the ground soy in place of ground beef, but definitely want to, so I will add that to my list - wow my list of "to try" is getting long these days!

That's so wonderful that your pretty shirt not only fits now, but it s bit baggy! Woooohooo! That's awesome! Definitely take a pic and show us!

My b-day is this coming Sunday (April Fools) and we are planning a big dinner at Boomerang's Steakhouse, so I have to save up all week cause WI's are on Mondays!. Oh this might be a tough week!

Angela Power said...

P.S. I can SUPER notice your weight loss on your face! You're looking good girl! I can't wait to see more pics of ya!

Shrunk said...

YES! Major NSV, other people are noticing your weight loss! Isn't it strange how we don't see it in ourselves? I wanna see progress pics!!!!!!!

marie said...

woohoo for people noticing and clothes that fit! but we want pics, dammit!

Vanessa said...

Your dinner sounds amazing! Congrats on the shirt NSV...I think seeing changes like that in ourselves is the best part of losing weight :D.

Amanda said...

i'm glad your weekend went well!! that meal does sound yummy!!! and congrats on the huge nsv!!!! it's so nice when people start noticing that you're losing weight! and it sounds like you have tons of fun things planned for your bday weekend coming up! have a great day!!!