Tuesday, March 20, 2007


So I spent most of my afternoon at the GDT and was inspired by a particular post.. I guess this girl wasn't feeling well today, bad head cold (not me), and wanted to know how many people workout when they're sick.. At this time I still felt pretty awful, but I read all of the replies and kept up with it throughout the afternoon.. Low and behold because of that post I was inspired to get off my butt!! I did 40 minutes of strength training exercises that I actually found on the Weight Watchers website.. They have exercises that cover upper body, lower body and core body.. I really liked them and could totally feel it afterwards... Well doing those exercises inspired me to get on the eliptical, so I did 20 minutes on there too!! I'm feeling pretty darn good right now!! Thank you for all your replies about working out, I really appreciate hearing all the different perspectives!! :-)


Amanda said...

woo hoo! way to go!! i always feel better after i exercise, even if i'm sick! look at you, you work out queen!!!

Amanda said...

sorry to stalk you but i just realized i never answered your question about the oven roasters!!! they are potatoes and very yummy! it's like dicing up potatoes and adding seasoning without any of the work!! LOL!!!

jen999 said...

lol!!! Stalk me ALL you like!! hehe.. You're not stalking me!! thanks for telling me about them! And they're fairly point friendly?

meredi said...

Oh, yay! Glad to hear you had a rush of motivation and that you're feeling so great post-workout. Go Jen!

Jen said...

GIRL you are AWESOME!!!!!

I am such a whiner when I am sick and any time Danny asks me to do something simple I reply with a miserable face saying "im siiiiiiiiick" I will barely move off the couch let alone work out!!!

I love the inspiration I get from the boards!!!

Amanda said...

sorry it took me so long! you can have 85g (which is about 1/2 cup or so) for 2 points.