Monday, March 19, 2007

Happy Birthday To Meee!!!

Okay, so it's not really my birthday.. BUT last night I got my first birthday present! :-) My birthday isn't until April 9th, a long while away yet.. But, my Mom, her husband, and my Grandma decided to go together and get me this pretty lil MP3 player from Sony.. I told my Mom that we had one at my store and that I really wanted it and she, knowing me SO well, knew that I'd want it early.. I'm taking the train to Kingston on the 14th of April, she knew I'd want to know how to use it and have all my songs downloaded long before then, which gives me lots of time to play with it.. I'm not sure if you can tell from the picture, but it's pink, and it holds 18 hours of music.. Not only that, but it comes with an armband so you can strap it to you when you're jogging or working out.. It also counts calories, has a stop watch and you can program it to play faster songs when you're moving at a faster pace, or slower songs when you slow down.. It'll just do all that on it's own!! And it's got a stopwatch, and you can program it to tell you when you've walked a km, or whatever distance you choose.. Isn't that cool?? Technology kills me! lol!! So I'm pretty excited about it, and am making lists of songs that I want to put on it.. My favorite thing about it?? The colour of course.. It'll match perfectly with my pink camera, and my pink cell phone.. Hee hee.. :-)
I had a pretty stressful day at work today.. On the weekend someone stole a $400 camera from my work section.. I was the only one working at the time, and it's always busy in our area, but I STILL feel responsible.. The security system that's supposed to prevent things like this from happening doeesn't work, so I had no way of knowing until I noticed that the camera was gone.. It sucks because I feel like he stole from me, not from my store.. Today was difficult because all of my bosses were in and the police were contacted.. I just felt so awful about it all.. I wish I knew who it was so I could hunt him down and kick his thieving ass!! I hate people like that!! Grrr.. Anyway, thanks for the vent! I talked to my head manager who I LOVE and she made me feel a lot better about it, and assured me that it can happen to anyone and not to worry about it, but to use it as a learning experience.. I felt much better after that.. I'd still like to kick his ass though.. :-(
Starting to feel much better cold wise! Thanks for all of your get well wishes! :-) I have tomorrow off work so I'm determined to do some psychology homework and get in some good workout time!! I want to see another loss this week!! I think I'm getting greedy, but in this case, I think greed is okay.. Well, I'm off to check out all of your blogs, hope you had an awesome Monday! :-)


Vanessa said...

Congrats on the new toy! It sounds like a lot of fun :D. That sucks about the camera...thieves are stupid. Don't feel bad, it really could happen to anyone!

Angela Power said...

That's one kick ass MP3 player! That's awesome! Your mom is so thoughtful to give it to you in advance so that you will have time to get it all ready to use.

I would feel the same way you do about the camera. Things like that do happen because there are dishonest people out there. Maybe they'll find the person responsible, you never know. In the meantime, don't beat yourself up because your boss is right, it could happen to anyone.

Sarah ♥ said...

HOORAY!!! Looks like a GREAT Mp3 player!! I just bought a new one but it has nowhere near as many features as yours.

I hope everything gets sorted out with the camera at your store. As long as your bosses aren't holding you responsible (and I'm sure they're not, they couldn't!) there's not much you can do. I know it sucks, but just let it go and move on :)

Hope you're back to 100% healthwise soon and have a great day tomorrow!!


Amanda said...

wow, i love that mp3 player!!! i'm so jealous!!! that was really nice of them to give it to you early.

that sucks about the camera, i would feel the same way. like the other ladies said, it's not your fault so don't get too upset over it. hope you feeling even better tomorrow!!!

Amanda said...

hey you (again) we're just commenting like crazy on each others blogs!!! thanks for the compliment, you're so sweet!!! you always make me feel so great!!!! {{{{hugs}}}}

meredi said...

Wow, what a cool (and cute!) mp3 player, and how nice of your mom to give it to you early. I had no idea there were players that could do all the fun fitness stuff -- now I want one too! :)

Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better... hope your recovery continues quickly!

Also sorry to hear about the camera being stolen. I can imagine how angry you must feel about it. I'm glad your manager is understanding about it though; that's really great. I hope they catch whoever did it!

Shrunk said...

Yeahhhhhhhhhhh Jen! That mp3 player ROCKS! If I wouldn't have gotten my Ipod, I definitely would have bought a Sony. LOVE SONY! Don't worry about that camera getting stolen hun, that is NOT your fault. They should have the security system up and running. I wouldn't give that another thought.

Jen said...

First of all, CONGRATS on the MP3!!! I LOVE those things...I have an old school iPod mini, I LOVE it, and, of course, it is pink!!!! HAVE to have pink right??

Second, that really sucks that the camera got stolen on your shift, I am shocked by the audacity of some people!!! I'm glad your boss talked to you, because it TOTALLY was not your fault!!! But I am like you, it would bug me as well!!

*HUGE hug* You are awesome, and I will beat up anyone who makes you feel like crap!